Monday, May 25, 2020
Most Liberal U.S.Supreme Court Justices in History
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has long been a thorn in the side of American conservatives. Shes been pilloried in the right-wing press by a range of so-called political experts, including college drop-out and shock jock Lars Larson, who publicly declared that Justice Ginsburg is anti-American. Her stinging dissent in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, which recently granted corporations certain exceptions to the Affordable Care Act with regard to birth control coverage, has once again loosed the gates of extreme conservative rhetoric. One columnist in The Washington Times even crowned her liberal bully of the week even though hers was the dissenting, not majority, opinion. These critics act as if a liberal judge on the Supreme Court is a brand new development, but its the work of previous liberal judges that protects their right to come pretty close to slandering Justice Ginsburg in their published work. The Most Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justices Also unfortunate for her critics is the fact that its unlikely that Justice Ginsburg will go down in history as the most liberal justice. Just take a look at her competition. While they sometimes sided with their conservative colleagues (often in tragic ways, such as in Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the constitutionality of the Japanese-American internment camps during World War II), these justices are generally considered to be among the most liberal of all time: Louis Brandeis (term: 1916-1939) was the first Jewish member of the Supreme Court and brought a sociological view to his interpretation of law. He is justly famous for establishing the precedent that the right to privacy is, in his words, the right to be let alone (something right-wing extremists, libertarians, and anti-government activists seem to think they invented).William J. Brennan (1956-1990) helped expand civil rights and liberties for all Americans. He supported abortion rights, opposed the death penalty, and provided new protections for freedom of the press. For example, in New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), Brennan established the actual malice standard, in which news outlets were protected from charges of libel as long as what they wrote was not deliberately false.William O. Douglas (1939-1975) was the longest-serving justice on the Court, and was described by Time Magazine as the most doctrinaire and committed civil libertarian ever to sit on the court. He fought against any regulation of speech and famously faced impeachment after he issued a stay of execution for convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. He is probably most well-known for arguing that citizens are guaranteed a right to privacy due to the penumbras (shadows) cast by the Bill of Rights in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), which established the right of citizens to have access to birth control information and devices.John Marshall Harlan (1877-1911) was the first to argue that the Fourteenth Amendment incorporated the Bill of Rights. However, hes more famous for earning the nickname The Great Dissenter because he went against his colleagues in significant civil rights cases. In his dissent from Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the decision that opened the door to legal segregation, he affirmed some basic liberal principles: In view of the constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens...Our constitution is color-blind...In res pect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law.Thurgood Marshall (1967-1991) was the first African-American justice and is often cited as having the most liberal voting record of all. As an attorney for the NAACP, he famously won Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which outlawed school segregation. It should not be surprising, then, that when he became a Supreme Court justice he continued to argue on behalf of individual rights, most notably as a strong opponent of the death penalty.Frank Murphy (1940-1949) fought against discrimination in many forms. He was the first justice to include the word racism in an opinion, in his vehement dissent in Korematsu v. United States (1944). In Falbo v. United States (1944), he wrote, The law knows no finer hour than when it cuts through formal concepts and transitory emotions to protect unpopular citizens against discrimination and persecution.Earl Warren (1953-1969) is one of the most influential Chief Justices of all time. He for cefully pushed for the unanimous Brown v. Board of Education (1954) decision and presided over decisions that further expanded civil rights and liberties, including those that mandated publicly-funded representation for indigent defendants in Gideon v. Wainright (1963), and required police to inform criminal suspects of their rights, in Miranda v. Arizona (1966). Certainly other justices, including Hugo Black, Abe Fortas, Arthur J. Goldberg, and Wiley Blount Rutledge, Jr. made decisions that protected individual rights and created greater equality in the United States, but the judges listed above demonstrate that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is just the most recent participant in the strong liberal tradition of the Supreme Court-- and you cant accuse someone of radicalism if theyre part of a long-standing tradition.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
2017. Stem Cells. Many People Around The World Like The
2017 Stem Cells Many people around the world like the idea of stem cells, but are they really a good thing? Stem cell research is debatably the worst way of solving problems with the human body. In fact Scientists have been researching stem cells for a very long time, since 1956 when the first successful bone marrow transplant was made by Dr. E Donnall Thomas. There are not many cons to not use stem cells but they are very important to consider. Stem cells should not be used in the medical field due to ethical issues, health concerns, and a lack of research. There has been a lot of people talking about stem cells and its all over the news. Although most of the people agree with the method to get stem cells and what people use them for,†¦show more content†¦The blastocyst consists of an outer layer (trophoblast) which is attached to the inner cell mass.) According to New Health Advisor ESC may not be accepted when used in transplants because there is no process to generate them o r make them. They can even cause tumors when used directly from undifferentiated culture prep, which means that the cells are all on the same path to make new cells or a new organ. There is also the problem with technology where scientists don’t have a way to mass produce adult stem cells in large quantities. Adult stem cells Cannot be grown for long periods of time in culture (Culture is the growth of bacteria or of tissues in scientific study or medicinal use.). There is no sure way to know if the body will reject the stem cell transplant so that makes embryonic stem cell treatment that much unsecure. The problem with adult stem cells that it is hard to make cells efficiently is the same for ESC they have no way of making an effective process to produce ESC. Scientists are so far behind in research and there are so many advances in technology that could have been discovered but more research has to be done on the topic to obtain a full understanding of stem cells Due to the drawbacks of people cutting funding and passing laws to stop production of stem cells, people still think that if scientists harness the use of stem cells they can find the cure to cancer and many other diseases or viruses Scientists couldn t find aShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Eugenics And Genetic Engineering1632 Words  | 7 Pagesgenetics. Mendel’s work was discovered in 1900, and, as a result, â€Å"eugenics movements†¦had, in fact, blossomed in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Scandinavia, not to mention elsewhere in Europe and in parts of Latin America and Asia†(Kevles 435). Many of these countries, even the United States, adopted eugenic practices. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Outline and Evaluate Functionalist Explanation of Crime.
Functionalism is a consensus structuralist theory, which sees the source of crime and deviance located in the structure of society. Although crime and deviance might be stigmatised in society, some sociologist think it is important to have it occur and there are some benefits to it. Durkheim (1982) argued that crime is an inevitable feature of social life, because individuals are composed to different influences and circumstances, and so not everyone can be equally committed to the shared values and moral beliefs of society. Despite crime and deviance’s threat to society, Durkheim saw it as beneficial as it could perform positive functions in society, such as, firstly; By strengthening collective values. Values can waste away unless†¦show more content†¦But some people do not accept goals like financial success, and, for example, may value job satisfaction and helping others more than income. Secondly; He focuses on individual responses, and doesn’t recognize that there is a social pattern of crime and deviance affecting whole groups of people, linked to social class, age, ethnicity, gender. Thirdly; he doesn’t explain why most people who face strain do not turn to crime or other deviance. Finally; he doesn’t recognize that t here may be many outwardly respectable, apparently conforming successful people who are innovators engaged in illegal activities, as in white collar or corporate crimes. There are other theories that build on Merton’s work, but they focus on the position of groups in the social structure rather than just on individuals, and how these groups adapt in different ways to the strain facing them in achieving social goals. Cohen is one of these sociologists who argues that working-class youth believe in the success goals of mainstream culture, but their experiences of failure in education, living in deprived areas and having the worst chances in the job market all mean that they are denied status in mainstream society. They react to this by forming their own set of values- a delinquent subculture. This subculture is based on rebelling the accepted form of behaviour, for example, stealing replaces hard work. This gives the working-class youth an opportunity to achieve some status inShow MoreRelatedExplanation to Crime and Deviancy Essay1446 Words  | 6 Pages True Crime or Moral Panic? Evaluate and apply sociological theories relating to crime and deviance Explanations of Crime and Deviancy Crime - an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. Deviance-the fact or state of diverging from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Information system of Hanjin shipping Essay Example For Students
Information system of Hanjin shipping Essay Outline1 Introduction2 Business jobs3 Solution to Hanjin jobs4 Process Innovation Project5 Information Systems6 Hanjin s Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP )7 Benefits of Information system8 Future concern programs9 Decision:10 Reference List: Introduction Transportation by its nature is a really competitory and a really complex industry. ( Martin Stopford, 1997 ) Transporting companies have to run on a planetary graduated table and manage offices all around the universe and work with a diverse work force. Merchant transportation is one of the most extremely regulated industries in the universe. Hence information systems play a really of import function in the direction of the transportation company. In this essay we will analyze a instance survey of how Hanjin transportation used information systems grow as a taking transportation company. Hanjin is a planetary transit and Logistics Company. ( Hanjin transportation, 2010 ) .The company operates around 200 ships, chiefly container vass, gas oilers and majority bearers. Hanjin ships are merchandising worldwide. Hanjin conveyance lading to more than 100million dozenss a twelvemonth to 6000 finishs worldwide. ( Hanjin transportation, 2010 ) Company s gross revenues web includes 200 intern ational subdivision offices and 30 corporations. Over all the company is spread outing quickly on a planetary graduated table and is besides embarking into new transportation related concern. Business jobs Hanjin was increasing its planetary operations by opening new container terminuss, purchasing new big ships, traveling in confederation with container lines. Hanjin lacked the logistics required to be competent in the container industry. Its 10 twelvemonth old ERP systems lacked functionality and flexibleness required to run such a complex and large administration ( Oracle 2008 ) . Hanjin understood that without terminal to stop logistics solutions they can non vie in container concern. Hanjin besides faced jobs commanding procurance costs and to run into the planetary regulative demands ( Oracle 2008 ) . The information aggregation system was done manually and hence it was clip consuming and prone to mistakes. Hanjin have a work force of around 4000 which are employed all around the universe. It was increasing hard for Hanjin to pull off such a big and diverse work force. Solution to Hanjin jobs As a solution to the jobs Hanjin was confronting due to its planetary enlargement it decided to establish Process invention undertaking. The procedure invention intent was to set up advanced direction construction and beef uping its organizational capablenesss. ( Sustainability study, 2006 ) . The undertaking applied to concern procedure and organisation construction every bit good as the corporate civilizations based on following the advanced IT substructure . ( Sustainability study, 2006, p.27 ) . Hanjin decided to re-engineer their concern procedure utilizing best pattern theoretical accounts for their ERP systems so as to derive planetary fight. This system was traveling to be a long term solution, it will non straight show on balance sheet but it will be platform for establishing new concern undertakings ( Business study 2006 ) . Hanjin besides decided to switch to client based concern by guaranting good service and increased client satisfaction. Process Innovation Project The procedure invention undertaking squad was assembled in October 2004 and so they spent 5 months for mapping the new systems and the procedure. The undertaking will be implemented bit by bit on a measure by step footing. The procedure invention undertaking was to be implemented during a period of 3 old ages. The chief purpose of procedure invention was to be client centred and a profitableness oriented direction company. The information system used to re-in force the organizational capablenesss and will fix the direction to be more clients focused. The information system development contracts were given to companies which were best in the concern ( Oracle, 2008 ) . ERP was given to ORACLE while others were given to Siebel and Hyperion. During the procedure of undertaking Oracle acquired Siebel and Hyperion which resulted in seamless integrating and client support. ( Oracle, 2008 ) . Case Brief EssayDecision: The undertaking taken by Hanjin to reconstruct its concern procedure by the usage of information systems was strategically really of import. Hanjin is a planetary administration with different maps, organizational degrees and many concern procedures ; therefore ERP system was the right pick of information system. This undertaking became the base to implement progress concern procedure which complement their information systems and besides increase the efficiency of the company. It helped the company to be more clients focused which is a cardinal scheme in current times. They could venture into new facets of concern such as logistics. The choice of Oracle and Siebel was besides right because they were the best in the concern. Hanjin made right determination by incorporating all systems together. The acquisition of Siebel and Hyperion by Oracle ensured that the systems have seamless integrating and uninterrupted support. The information systems which they used were in line with their c oncern schemes which resulted in success of the undertaking. Reference List: Hanjin transportation, 2008. Hanjin Shipping Steps Closer to Becoming Global Total Logistics Company, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // srv_id=ENG A ; id=080513_02.jsp A ; backUrl=news.jsp A ; curPage=5 A ; blockSize=10 . Hanjin transportation, 2008. 2008 Hanjin transporting concern study, Available at: T hypertext transfer protocol: // . Hanjin transportation, 2008. Hanjin sustainability study 2008, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . Hanjin transportation, 2006. Hanjin sustainability study 2006, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . Laudon. , J, A ; Laudon. , K, 2007. Management Information systems: Pull offing the digital house. 10th erectile dysfunction. Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey. Stopford. , M, 1997. Maritime Economics 2nd erectile dysfunction. Routledge: London Prophet, 2008. Hanjin Shipping Improves Business Intelligence, Competitiveness with Integrated Platform, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . Prophet, 2008. Hanjin Shipping Gains Single View of Business with Master Data Management System, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // .
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