Friday, December 27, 2019
The Privacy And Ethics Of The Connecticut Department Of...
DDS Privacy and Ethics for I.T. Leah McCarvill Post University Abstract Compliance in protecting information is of prime importance for Quality Management Division of the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services along with any Information Technology professionals. The information collected and stored within the multiple databases and QSR web application is sensitive and falls under (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) HIPAA laws and require all employees to be considered mandated reporters. DDS Privacy and Ethics for I.T. In a role as a consultant used to develop and maintain the various databases and QSR web application used to collect and store various information pertaining to individuals who receive†¦show more content†¦All of this could be hands on in creating databases and applications or just being available to provide feedback on a consulting bases. In essence this role provides the main I.T. professionals with the in depth information they need to make this all function well. Balance The balance needed to ensure that any information is hidden or protected with the need for legitimate whistle blowers can for most companies be a very difficult balance. Whistle blowing is defined in the text as â€Å"An effort to attract public attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company or some other organization.†(Reynolds, 2015, p. 440). DDS has a bit of a different view on this and has processes and procedures along with the legal requirements to report any possible Abuse and Neglect that is specialized to this field. Within this field of work all employees are considered mandated reports or in other words mandated whistle blowers. The DDS Procedure for this defines a mandated reporter as â€Å"All DDS and Qualified Provider employees are mandated reporters under Connecticut General Statutes. Any employee who has witnessed or otherwise have reasonable cause to suspect or believe there has been abuse or neglect of a person with m entalShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesSenior Photo Editor Production Management Cover Design Cover Credit George Hoffman Lise Johnson Sarah Vernon Amy Scholz Laura Finley Dorothy Sinclair Sandra Dumas Susan McLaughlin Kevin Murphy Laura Ierardi Allison Morris Hilary Newman mb editorial services David Levy  ©Michael Eudenbach/Getty Images, Inc. This book was set in 10/12 ITC Legacy Serif Book by Aptaracorp, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. This book is printed on acid freeRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagesprovide a sustainable advantage.2 Strategists James Quinn, Thomas Doorley, and Penny Paquette have argued that â€Å"maintainable advantage usually derives from outstanding depth in selected human skills, logistics capabilities, knowledge bases, or other service strengths that competitors cannot reproduce . . .†.3 Thus, with their perspective, there is recognition of the importance of having superior human resources. There is little doubt that organizations will need to invest heavily in their human resourcesRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagesaffecting performance in organizations, both large and small. A joint venture between General Electric and a Japanese company, GE Fanuc is a manufacturer of factory automation and control products. 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Composition: Integra Software Services Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Coral Graphics Text Font: 10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbookRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesInc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Hartley, Robert F., 1927Marketing mistakes and successes/Robert
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Research On Animal Farm - 1632 Words
Animal Farm The term: Organic deduces via natural resource - there s only so much organic matter, because organic matter is determined what has decayed and at what amount for centuries. As our populace grows, the right kind of organic matter diminishes, there lies the problem. Here s the unsavoury verity. - - - One of my bones of contention is that the consumer reads the organic term so frequently that marketing has inadvertently diluted the organic term s validity. For a starter, soil has to be fertile to grow produce - apparently, fertile soil benefits from even greater quantities of chemical fertilizer; of the premise, organic matter isn t available en mass, to facilitate our inflated populace; hence, it s pure ignorance to systematically take the view organic produce hasn t been treated and claim it has more superior qualities. Oh yes, the imperialist Supermarkets dictate the tune to which our farmers grange dance to, due to authoritative policies ridding advertising standard powers to watchdogs meaning the supermarkets are allowed to use every trick in the book to capitalise on sales; affirmation, why the organic label is 100% marketing. Retailer s awareness is vehemently tainted and totally imbalanced; their aim is to satisfy their shareholders first and foremost - too few consumers don t configure retailer s allegiances let alone their marketing prowess. The imperial scenario simulates... chocoholics orchestrating chocolate production;Show MoreRelatedThe Farm At The Dene Animal Research Farm2333 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction: This report is based on the farm management 103 farm visit to Ashley Dene Animal Research Farm. All the material present below is taken from Beef and Lamb NZ Genetics, Central Progeny Test Results and by word of mouth from the Ashley Dene supervisor Chris Logan. 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Topics such as communism, propaganda, and Marxism are usedRead MoreA Research Project On Animal Science Career Interest Essay1552 Words  | 7 PagesResearchers at the Animal Science Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison designed a research project that would determine if livestock background, sex, or animal science career interest affected how students viewed important issues concerning livestock farming. They hypothesized that urban students would be more likely to take neutral positions regarding the matter. 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Background: There are multiple reasons why an individual may be cruel to animals, the main reasons include psychological issues, culture and also for the beneficial factor. The psychological angle towards animal abuse is often due to negative thoughts. If an individual is under a lot of stress and or pressure, they may like to ventRead MoreAnimal Experiments And Its Effects On Human Suffering And Improve The Quality Of Human Life826 Words  | 4 Pagespeople support animal experiment and believed the results of those testings can ease human suffering and improve the quality of human life (Kruse, 2001). Many medical achievements in the past century have depended directly or indirectly on animal researches. The develop of the treatment of diabetes, leukaemia and heart surgery transplants have been made possible largely through the use of animals in scientific researches. And 90% of the public accepted the need for the use of animals when certain researchRead MoreEssay on Cosmetics Testing on An imals, Is It Necessary?547 Words  | 3 PagesWhy should animals have to die, just for humans to have cosmetics? It is understandable if you want to cover up a scar on your face, but to just wear makeup because you think you need it, or because you feel like you cannot live without it, is ridiculous. Animals should not be dyeing for our insecurities on how we look, or on how society judges us. If society sees someone who is not Barbie or Ken perfect they judge us, so we put makeup on, it is not right for society to do that. Because of theirRead MoreAmerican Horror Story : Animal Farm1114 Words  | 5 PagesIV- 5 01 February 2016 American Horror Story: Animal Farm â€Å"A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy†(â€Å"Animal Rights†). For decades, animal rights activist along with organizations such as PETA have been lobbying for legislative action on animal equality. 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The trends are all showing that this practice is growing – and quicklyRead MoreReducing and Eliminating Industrial Farms Essay1143 Words  | 5 Pages Industrial farm pollution is becoming a large problem, which is why our country should result to organic farming. Many of today’s farms are in an industrial factory rather than a nice green pasture. These farms are looking to maximize profits and produce high quantities of food, which could potentially be a good thing, in some certain cases, but not in this one. The industrial farms have no concern for human health or the environment. They raise many health, environmental, and pesticide issues,
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Entrepreneur and Marketing- Free-Samples-
Qustions: 1.Find a Non-Profit Organization and how they are using financial Marketing. 2.Find two Companies one for Manufacturing and other from servicing Company See how they are following Financial Marketing. Answers: 1.Non-profit organisations are aimed at improving the society and making it a considerable place for people to reside. These organisations have no profit-making motive and seek support from the Government or any other business sectors. Rizzo (2015) stated that at times, the community in which it is set up also contributes to the cause of the welfare of the society. Thus, non-profit organisations do not have to market itself for any profit-making objective. In this regard, it can be said that financial marketing is also not required in an extensive manner for these organisations. Financial marketing is used to trade securities related to finances, trade, commodities as well as items of value that helps in the balance of supply and demand. According to Mintz and Currim (2013), financial marketing defines the marketing terminology in an efficient manner. This is because even in financial marketing the exchange of services takes place. However, for a non-profit organisation aimed at improving the social, financial marketing may be ineffective in terms of achieving the goals of an organisation. The trading of bonds and stocks are hardly applicable in case of non-profit organisations. However, some non-profit organisations can use the financial marketing in an effective manner than the others. It can be said that non-profit organisations involved with a particular business or Government can make investments in terms of achieving its goals. In this context, an example can be considered in order to understand the ways by which financial marketing can be used by a non-profit organisation. Clean Up Australia is a non-profit organisation that aims to eliminate any waste materials and address the issues that arise due to shortage or excess water and climatic change. Ian Kiernan founded the organisation in 1989 and in collaboration with different business organisations, community and the Government have managed to achieve proper results for the country. The success of the organisation can be attributed to the fact that it is an annual event in the country since its inception ( 2017). In this context, the use of financial marketing by Clean Up Australia can be analysed. As stated earlier, financial marketing is the exchange of stuff between two or more entities. In the case of Clean Up Australia, the exchange of items required for the cleaning of the country can be used as part of financial marketing deal (Ennew, Waite and Waite 2013). This can be done because the company received support from the various profitable business centres as well as the Government. Apart from this, the productive use of the funds can be another important use for this company. This can be done by using the funds for the purchase of the equipment and upgrading them as per the changes in the society. Thus, financial marketing can be used effectively by nonprofit organisations in order to maintain the proper work that is being done in the society. In the case of Clean Up Air, the use of financial marketing is done in an effective and efficient manner. 2.According to Armstrong et al. (2014), societal marketing involves the marketing decisions that are taken by a company keeping in mind the needs and wants of the customers. This, in turn, leads to the assessment of the requirements of the company and the interests of the society. The aim of every company is to satisfy the customers and ensure that the responsibilities towards the society are also maintained keeping in mind the goals of the organisation. However, different industries set about different objectives while implementing the societal marketing concept in the organisation. In this case, the examples of manufacturing company as well as a service company can be taken into consideration. Moose Toys is an Australian toy manufacturing company situated in Melbourne. Brain Hamersfeld set up the company in 1985. The company has its branches in 85 countries and in the modern day is one of the top toy manufacturing companies in Australia ( 2017). In this regard, it can be said that the company need to keep in mind the requirements of the company as well as the satisfaction of the customers. The target market of the company includes the children of the country. Hence, it is important that the company manufacture products that are safe as well as attractive for the children. On the other hand, the company also focuses on the ways to improve the requirements of the sector. With the expansion into a global market, the Moose toys have employed over 200 employees in countries like Australia, US and Hong Kong. Hence, it is required that the company make ample profit by collaborating with other companies. The licensing of Shopkins and the collaboration of it with McDon alds has resulted for further betterment of the company ( 2017). Sydney Environmental and Soil Laboratory (SESL) Australia, is a private company that provides lab testing and services for landscape, environment, Government and so on. It offers to collect a sample for testing the sample of soil, water and the ground in various regions of the country. Simone Leake set up the company in 1983 for the sole purpose of providing support to the people of the society and ensuring that the services it provides benefits to the society. It also provides training courses for students pursuing a career in science ( 2017). In this regard, the use of societal marketing by this company can also be analysed. The company devotes time for the welfare of the society. Hence, it can be said that the company focuses on achieving the long-term interest of the society as well as maintain the requirements for the company. This can be done by testing for any harmful particles in the soil and water that may exist and cause harm to the people. It also ensures that the resources required for conducting these tests are available to the company. Hence, the focus remains more on the interests of the society and the company rather than the customers. Hence, this is a significant difference when compared with the societal marketing of a manufacturing industry. Reference Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P., 2014.Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. (2017).Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2017]. Ennew, C., Waite, N. and Waite, R., 2013.Financial services marketing: An international guide to principles and practice. Routledge. Melanthiou, Y., 2016. Messages Not Getting Through: Societal Marketing to the Rescue.Journal of Promotion Management,22(2), pp.195-196. Mintz, O. and Currim, I.S., 2013. What drives managerial use of marketing and financial metrics and does metric use affect performance of marketing-mix activities?.Journal of Marketing,77(2), pp.17-40. (2017).Home | Moose Toys. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2017]. Rizzo, T., 2015. Maximising results with data-driven financial marketing strategies.Journal of Brand Strategy,4(2), pp.114-126. (2017).Environmental Consulting Soil Testing | SESL Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2017].
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Research free essay sample
Dear Students, In this fast-paced world, one . finds it difficult to spare time to stop and reflect on various life events. When this happens, it is possible that one feels that all the efforts and toil had gone in the wrong direction and one is still far away from his or her goal. The art of achieving goal lies in understanding our self, building on our strengths and overcoming weaknesses. This facilitates the process of self awareness, self acceptance and progression towards self reform. Self reform is the key to Happiness. For this purpose, self enhancement from the experiential training in Behavioural Science would facilitate self-awareness and develop better interpersonal skills to achieve professional success. To achieve professional success, skills required are personal. This experiential learning will enable individuals to gain insight into behavioural aspects of self-governance. The Journal for Success, as an integral part of the Behavioural Science course, is a tool for your introspection, self-exploration and self governance. We will write a custom essay sample on Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It involves your own initiative to reflect on the discussions and activities during the various workshops of Behavioural Science courses. The process of penning down personal learnings from class exercises and discussions is in itself a valuable device for self-awareness. This Journal for Success may cover following information as a self report Personal self profile at the time of joining the course our understanding of course content. Self-rating against personal enhancement skills Difficulties and obstacles in your personal development and learning the application of the subject.  · Experiences which -one feel. are relevant to your training for personal and professional enhancement (specifically during the training period)  · Assessment of own self as an excellent -professional after the training through Self-Rating, Interventions and Self-Profiling. This Journal would work as an assessment and evaluation tool for self-knowledge and would further help you develop the ability to:  · Recognize the uniqueness and expression of your self and that of others  · Inculcating the ability to accept self and others . Communicate the awareness to your self and others  · Monitor events in your life and make decisions for the present and future. For successful completion of the Behavioural Science programme, you are required to write about your experiences and learnings from each activity discussion during all workshops in this Journal. You are required to inculcate these learning to effect positive change in your behaviour personality. Your Personal Journal will be reviewed at the end of each semester till the completion of the Programme. Self Assessment, Self Analysis, Synthesis, Focus, Exploration, Honest Expression, Initiative and Consistency are some elements that will help you to maintain this Personal Journal and enhance Behavioural Skills for success in life. Wishing you a great insightful learning experience! Prof. Abha Singh J1. Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and. Allied Sciences The unaware life is not worth living. -Socrates â€Å"JOURNAL FOR SUCCESS†1. PERSONAL INFORMATION: NAME COURSE: ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION 2. FAMILY INFORMATION: FAMIL Y MEMBERS EDUCATION OCCUP ATION 3. DRAW YOUR FAMILY: (You may attach another sheet, if required) Who Am I ? (Entry Level) ABOUT YOURSELF I. What are your Strength and Weaknesses? II. ABOUT YOUR GOALS: III. YOUR ROLE MODEL (STATE SPECIFIC REASON FOR THE SAME): IV. ONE BOOK WHICH HAS INSPIREDYOU THE MOST AND WHY? V. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TOACHIEVE OUT OF YOUR RESPECTIVE PROGRAMME? VI. WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTIONSFROM THE BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE COURSE? (You may attach more sheets, if required) DRAWAND DESCRIBE, in the space provided here, anything that you like the most: LEARNINGS FROM THE WORKSHOPS: (Format to Be Followed) NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY: PERSONAL LEARNINGS FROM THE ACTIVITY: . WHO AM I? (EXIT LEVEL) MY LEARNING EXPERIENCES I)The Behavioural Science Course has helped me: II) The Behavioural Skills that I inculcated in my Personality: III) Key Learnings (based on class activities, role plays, discussions, analysis etc. ): IV) My Difficulties Confusions in learning application of Behavioural Skills: INFORMATIONABOUT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 1) What did I do well (Both inside outside the Class): 2) Shortcomings I perceived about myself: 3) How my strengths are restricted by my shortcomings: 4) My initiatives to overcome such shortcomings: FACULTY/MENTORS OBSERVATION OF THE STUDENT: (To be filled by Faculty/Trainer) Research free essay sample Use your own creativity to illustrate. Write your name, ID number, Course code and your programme of study. Page 2: Plagiarism Declaration Form Sign the plagiarism declaration form to confirm the work is your own original work, you are complying with FNU policies on plagiarism, and are free of the dishonest practices outlined in the FNIJ Academic and Student Regulations (No 40,40. 1, 40. 2: pg 42). The declaration form is in \\gutulei EVG401 folder. You must use your own words in this assignment. If you are using ther authors work from books, internet or other sources, cite the source correctly (reference). Check that your spelling and English sentence structure is correct. A Simple Reference Writing Guide is available to help write references.If you fail to acknowledge sources, the copied information will be regarded as plagiarized. You will receive zero marks if you plagiarise in your assignment. Serious cases of plagiarism will be referred to the F-NU Registrar for action. We will write a custom essay sample on Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Page 3: Attach the on this page. Part 1: Background. (2 marks) Briefly describe what the news article is about. Give background information on the issue(s) highlighted in the newspaper article and if this issue is a problem in Fiji or elsewhere. Identify the ethical problem in the news article. Make reference to the article. You must have a minimum of two sentences or a maximum of one paragraph. Part 2: Ethical Concerns (6 marks) This section carries the most marks so think carefully and use your knowledge of ethics, values, morals, ethical theories, religious, human rights, law, or good governance to answer it. Why does the issue in the news article raise ethical concerns? You must identify 3 different ethical concerns raised by the ethical roblem in the newspaper article and explain why each of the three ethical concerns is wrong. Word limit minimum 2 sentences per ethical concern and maximum one paragraph per ethical concern. Part 3: Consequences (4 marks) How does the issue(s) affect the people in the article or other people in society. Provide 2 different ways in which people can or have been affected by the issue. Word limit minimum 2 sentences per consequence and maximum one paragraph per consequence. Part 4: Resolutions (4 marks) Give two possible solutions on how this issue can be resolved in an ethical (fair and just) way. Word limit minimum 2 sentences per resolution and maximum one paragraph per resolution. Your layout (2 marks) Art work, graphics, pictures, eye catchiness, and neatness will be rewarded with a maximum 2 marks. Bind, staple and use your creativity to present a beautiful booklet. You are encouraged to use the computer to type your work. You will be penalized if you use any unethical, nude, disgusting or distasteful pictures or illustrations in the assignment. References (2 marks) Proper acknowledgement of sources used for this assignment and proper writing of references will gain you a further 2 marks. Research free essay sample As a basic political unit barangay works as the preliminary ground for plans, policies, programs, projects and activities in the community, and also it is where people can exchange views towards the government that can be deliberated and pushed. In the advent of the modern world service also move along with the evolving technology. Progress in a society greatly involves the capability and efficiency of its leaders. However society as a political community is subdivided into a small units called barangays which has its own set of officials together with its functions. Barangay serves as the primary planning implement unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the community As quoted from Ken Blanchard that in the past the leaders are the boss but today’s leaders must be partners with their people, they no longer can lead solely based on positional power. In connection this study sought to understand deeper on the efficacy of barangay officials based on the different perspectives of the registered voters of barangay Magsaysay in particular. We will write a custom essay sample on Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The study sought to understand the deeper the status of barangays in rural areas, to know the how effective are the barangay officials on the basis of their performance and knowledge on their functions and also to view it on the perspective of the different kinds of voters as the affected party of the barangay officials as well as the officials themselves, in order to understand both parties. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to determine and explore whether the barangay officials in barangay Magsaysay, Kitaotao, Bukidnon had effectively done their functions. Particularly it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the factors that help the efficacy of the barangay officials on performing their functions? 2. How satisfied are the affected citizens on the performance of the barangay officials? 3. How can the geographical location of the Barangay influence the effectiveness of the barangay officials? 4. On what aspect of the society are the officials most effective in their functions? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Generally the study aimed to determine the efficacy of barangay officials in rural area. Specifically in Magsaysay, Kitaotao, Bukidnon. Specifically it sought to: 1. Know the factors that helped the officials on performing their functions. 2. Determine the satisfaction of residents on the performance of the officials. 3. Know the effects of the geographical situation on the effectiveness of the barangay officials. 4. Determine the aspect of society that the officials are most functional. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The result of the study would contribute to efficacy of the future officials in barangay Magsaysay, Kitaotao, Bukidnon. In connection the study is chosen to be in a rural area since it where the least helped barangays are situated and are basically impeded. This would also help the barangays in rural areas to achieve support from the other units of the government. Furthermore this study would help identify the aspects where officials function effectively and where they lack on their performance. This would also encourage the preceding officials on the improving the precision of their functions as according to the needs of the needs of the people. In addition the study would also help to give information to other researchers who would want to do related studies on the efficacy of barangay officials on rural areas. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION The main purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the barangay officials in rural areas specifically in Brgy. Magsaysay, Kitaotao, Bukidnon during the years of 2010-2013. The respondents were any voting citizens of Barangay Magsaysay regardless of their gender, educational attainment, standard of living and status. It is only limited to the assessment on the performance on their designated functions as barangay officials. It is also limited to the registered voters during the October 2010 barangay election. Furthermore the assessment will cover the performance of elected officials within their term starting from October 2010- October 2013. Definition of terms Barangay officials refers to the Chief Officials and Offices consisting of Punong Barangay, 7 Sangguniang Barangay members, Sangguniang Kabataan chairman, a Barangay Secretary, and a Barangay treasurer Rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes, less buildings and few inhabitants. The primary industry is agriculture Efficacy Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Individuals participate in the life of their society through a wide range of organizational form which differs in character and membership, in interest and values that induces members to organize and choose the kind of activities as well as the mode of participation. On the other hand, people support and participate if they understand and have precise knowledge of their organization and program which would serve as their basis for the effective organization (Omar and Rivera, 1995). There is an effective undertaking for a development when officials and members intermingle and share in planning and implementing their plans. Without the process on involvement of the members and without its active support towards the government, the government would become idle, crippled in bringing basic services to the community (Alisen, 2003). The success of a government depends on the active participation of its citizenry. In a democratic government interaction of various political functions and combination of different organization have characterized it. Whatever reason, people join political activities as the most important, it is essential for the government to be scrutinized by the people. An abolition of those political activity and organization, has usually been a product to dictatorship (New Standard Encyclopedia, 1991). Delivery for services is the primary function of the LGU. Governments are special forms of social organization that provides programs and activities desired to ensure such social goals as community security, environmental cleanliness and providing housing (Jones, 1980). True improvement in civil, economic, social and cultural human rights are inseparable. (Thoolen, 1981). . The process of change is incremental, that is, it could not happen overnight, and that the agents of change (local elites, barangay officials, local communities) have to be convinced of the causal logic of why change is important, how they could benefit in the long run, and what development opportunities they would miss should they choose to be well-ensconced but disempowered in the problematic status quo (Layug, et. al 2010). As barangay leaders, they are expected to enforce the laws or ordinances of the barangay. Barangay officials are mandated to become good leaders and partners of the provincial government in the efficacy of giving public service (http://r12. pia. gov. ph/index. php? article=2301386116836#sthash. 6vhoTrNu. dpuf). \ Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY A. Locale of the study Magsaysay became a barangay on March 25, 1952 under the Municipality of Kibawe. Latter by Republic Act No. 4801 under the presidency of President Carlos P. Garcia, barangay Magsaysay was incorporated to Kitaotao when the latter become a municipality. It has a total of 414 ha land area which is divide to 9 sitios devoted majorly to farming and residential partly for commercial establishments. It has wide plain in the central part of the barangay while the sides of the barangay are slightly rolling areas. People’s means of livelihood support is primarily based on agriculture, specifically sugarcane, cassava, corn and rice. With 556 total population ranging from ages 0-60 years old and above. Its total registered voters are 357 as of 2010 election. It is composed of different ethnic tribes like Cebuano, Boholano, Misamismo, Ilongo, Camiguinon, and Bukidnon. They practice predominantly various dialects like bisaya and boholano. B. Respondents of the study This study will assess registered voters of the barangay during the 2010 barangay election. In determining the number of respondents sample was used in the study from total population of registered voters during the election. To determine the sample size the following formula was used: Let; n- sample size N- population z- 1. 6449 d- 0. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Pabillaran, Warren 2000. An Evaluation of Political Participation of the Liga ng mga Barangay in the City. Alisen, Achilles 2003. The effectiveness of the Liga ng mga Barangay in the Municipality of Basay, Negros Oriental: A survey of the perception of the elected/ Appointed Municipal officials, and Barangay Captains of the municipality of Basay Daculos, Nelia, 1986. Role of Barangay Officials in Community Department: A Case Study of barangay Kiara, Don Carlos, Bukidnon Democracy, New Standard Encyclopedia, 1991. Vol. VI Research free essay sample Teenage Pregnancy: Causes, Effects, and Related-consequences 2. The problem I want to talk about is how teenage pregnancy is not getting the right attention it should be getting and that those who do go through teenage pregnancy are always being Judged. Teenage pregnancy is a common obstacle many people face all over the world. These women may have gotten pregnant through incest, rape, because they love their partner, or even because they were in the heat of the moment. They still deserve the right amount of education about the decisions they make and should be treated Just as equal as those who do not experience teenage pregnancy. I have an understanding of teenage pregnancies and the hardships of it because I experienced it second-hand. I have two family members that had their first child between the ages of 16 to 19. I want other people to know that teenage pregnancy is not always something that happens willingly. We will write a custom essay sample on Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, I want to learn the variables which can be spoken about in order to reduce the immediate Judgments people have of other people who have had kids in their teenage years. 3. 3. 1 The American Conservative, and Kelley Villas. Born to Consume: For MET, Teen Pregnancy Is Big Business
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