Friday, December 27, 2019
The Privacy And Ethics Of The Connecticut Department Of...
DDS Privacy and Ethics for I.T. Leah McCarvill Post University Abstract Compliance in protecting information is of prime importance for Quality Management Division of the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services along with any Information Technology professionals. The information collected and stored within the multiple databases and QSR web application is sensitive and falls under (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) HIPAA laws and require all employees to be considered mandated reporters. DDS Privacy and Ethics for I.T. In a role as a consultant used to develop and maintain the various databases and QSR web application used to collect and store various information pertaining to individuals who receive†¦show more content†¦All of this could be hands on in creating databases and applications or just being available to provide feedback on a consulting bases. In essence this role provides the main I.T. professionals with the in depth information they need to make this all function well. Balance The balance needed to ensure that any information is hidden or protected with the need for legitimate whistle blowers can for most companies be a very difficult balance. Whistle blowing is defined in the text as â€Å"An effort to attract public attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company or some other organization.†(Reynolds, 2015, p. 440). DDS has a bit of a different view on this and has processes and procedures along with the legal requirements to report any possible Abuse and Neglect that is specialized to this field. Within this field of work all employees are considered mandated reports or in other words mandated whistle blowers. The DDS Procedure for this defines a mandated reporter as â€Å"All DDS and Qualified Provider employees are mandated reporters under Connecticut General Statutes. Any employee who has witnessed or otherwise have reasonable cause to suspect or believe there has been abuse or neglect of a person with m entalShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesSenior Photo Editor Production Management Cover Design Cover Credit George Hoffman Lise Johnson Sarah Vernon Amy Scholz Laura Finley Dorothy Sinclair Sandra Dumas Susan McLaughlin Kevin Murphy Laura Ierardi Allison Morris Hilary Newman mb editorial services David Levy  ©Michael Eudenbach/Getty Images, Inc. This book was set in 10/12 ITC Legacy Serif Book by Aptaracorp, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. 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